Weekend iPhone Snaps

16 Oct

I gotta say, the iPhone 4S camera is something else. Night shots without flash still come out quite decent!

A and I attended the Filipino-American Film Festival at UCLA on Friday night, and I snapped these shots while waiting for the car at the parking garage. Not bad, right?



We headed to the Westwood Village  for the afterparty at Barney’s Beanery

…where the women’s restroom wall was plastered with magazine tears.

Saturday date night at the Claremont Village’s Casa 425 lounge…

…where I succumbed to the Desperate Housewife martini.

Where I house my iPhone 4S and iPad 2 (customized here).

Coming home to this adorable face is pure love ♥20111016-151442.jpg

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Posted by on October 16, 2011 in Life, Photography


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